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关于生育 Fertility Issue

不育症指的是在没有任何避孕的基础上,连续一年的性行为都没有怀孕。根据调查,在马来西亚大约有350,000 对夫妻有不育的困扰;而新加坡中央医院的数据显示大约有15%的夫妻有不育的问题,其中有50%是由于男方的因素。
Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after a year of regular intercourse without contraception. According to studies,
there are about 350,000 couples in Malaysia who face problem in conceiving a child. According to statistics published by the Singapore General Hospital, about 15% of couples have infertility issue, and 50% of them are caused by factors related to men.

男性 Male
1. 精子的问题 Problem with the Sperme
To conceive, a sperm must be able to reach the ovum (egg), penetrate the protective membrane and fertilize it. The health of the sperm is therefore important for conception. A few factors can affect this adversely:

a. 睾丸(培育精子的器官)温度过高,会直接杀死精子细胞或是影响精子的品质。因此建议要生育的男生尽量避免热水澡、减少煮食时下身曝露在高温中以及避免穿着紧身的裤子或内裤。
a. High temperature of testes (sperm producing organ) can kill sperms or compromise sperm quality. Reducing hot water baths or showers,less exposure to heat at lower body while cooking and avoiding wearing tight fitting pants or undergarment may help.

b. 精子数量的减少也有可能由以下因素引起,例如睾丸损伤、工业或环境的污染毒素或抽烟(包括二手烟)。压力引发的荷尔蒙失调也是其中的原因。
b. Reduced sperm count can be caused by injury to the testes, exposure to industrial or environmental toxins or hormonal disturbance which may be related to stress, smoking or passive smoking.

2. 勃起障碍 (阳痿) Erectile Dysfuntion (ED)
阳痿指的是男性无法正常勃起或维持足够的硬度以进入女性的阴道而释放精子。勃起是一个复杂的过程,它牵涉了荷尔蒙、神经与血液循环数个系统。 除了心理因素,生理的状态例如高血压、糖尿病、神经系统失调、药物与过量酒精都有可能造成阳痿。
ED occurs when a man fails to obtain proper erection. An erection is a complicated process that involves the hormonal system, nervous system and vascular system. Besides psychological factors, physical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, nerve disorder, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption can result in ED.

女性 Female
1. 排卵的问题 Problem with Ovulation
Ovulation occurs only once a month, and the mature egg released into the fallopian tube survives for only 24 hours, during which it must be fertilised through sexual intercourse. Irregular timing of otherwise normal ovulation is a frequent reason for infertility. This in turn is caused by disruption to the hormonal and reproductive systems that control the reproductive function. Emotional and physical stress, use of certain drugs, diabetes, obesity, questionable weight loss methods, thyroid disorder and polycystic ovary syndrome are among the causes leading to infertility.

2. 输卵管问题 Problem with Fallopian Tubes
Fertilisation happens in the fallopian tube where the sperms meet the awaiting ovum. However if there is structural or functional abnormality on the Fallopian tube, infertility can occur. Infection of the Fallopian tube, endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy are some factors leading to infertility.

How good nutrition can help fertility:
1. Forever 男士配套 (Forever His Pack)
- 芦荟汁Forever北极海鱼油胶囊帮助改善血液循环。良好的血管健康可以帮助男性提高生育能力。
- 芦荟汁Absorbent C 提供有益的抗氧化剂,帮助减少自由基伤害精子细胞。这将提高精子的品质并提升受孕能力。
- 蜜蜂花粉提供锌与锰。这两个矿物质对于精子的健康非常重要。花粉天然丰富的维他命B群可以加强新陈代谢,增加男生的精力。
- Aloe Vera Gel and Arctic Sea Omega 3 may help to improve vascular health. When the blood circulation is good, male reproductive health will be improved as well.
- Aloe Vera Gel and Absorbent C provide good antioxidants that can help to prevent free radical damage on sperm cells. This will improve sperm health and thus increase the chances of fertilization.
- Bee Pollen provides Zinc and Manganese which are the essential minerals for sperm health. Naturally rich in various types of B Vitamins, Pollen improves a man’s energy level.

2. Forever 女性套装 (Forever Her Pack)
- 芦荟小红莓汁所含有的小红莓萃取可以帮助维持和荷尔蒙的平衡,改善排卵的规律性。
- Absorbent C含有维他命C与柑橘类黄酮,提供抗氧化剂保护卵子。
- Forever 蜂皇浆帮助调节荷尔蒙并改善生殖健康。
- Aloe Berry Nectar contains cranberry extract that helps in hormonal balance, thus improving the regularity of ovulation.
- Absorbent C contains Vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids, providing antioxidants to improve the health of ovum.
- Forever Royal Jelly helps to regulate hormonal change and improve reproductive health.

3. Pomesteen 石榴活力露 / Forever Nature 18
- 蔬菜水果的超级组合,提供高剂量且强力的抗氧化剂。
- 综合的抗氧化剂帮助减少来自生活与饮食习惯的自由基的破坏,进而为生殖细胞提供保护。
- Great combination of fruits and vegetables with high and potent antioxidant power.
- These antioxidants reduce the damage from free radicals brought about by lifestyle or dietary factors, thus providing protection for the reproductive cells.

4. Forever 矿物片 (Forever Nature Min)
- 含有主要的矿物质(钙、磷、镁)以及微量矿物质(铁、锌、碘、铜、锰等),都是帮助生殖健康的重要营养。
- 来自于海底沉淀的矿物质,容易被身体吸收。
- Contains the major minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and trace elements (iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, vanadium, molybdenum) essential for general and reproductive health maintenance.
- Sourced from naturally chelated mineral elements from an ancient seabed; easily absorbed by the body.



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