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保护大肠开始 Begins In The COLON

大肠就像您身体的下水道。如果大肠不洁净,身体里的废物就不能排出。随着时间的推移,您的大肠会变得不健康,以至不能正常地排泄。这可能是由以下的因素引起,其其中包括:缺乏运动,饮食不当,压力,药物缺,以及其他各种因素。当大肠的功能不活跃时,身体将不能有效的清除废物, 而导致废物累积在结肠壁或结肠袋中。这些废物会留在你的身体好几天。因此,有便秘问题的人身体会累积很多有毒的排泄物,并可能影响器官和身体的健康。
The colon (large intestine) acts like a sewer in your body. If it is not cleansed, the waste throughout the body cannot get out adequately. Over time, your colon may become unhealthy and lose its ability to properly eliminate the waste materials from your digestive tract. This can be due to a combination of the following: lack of exercise, poor diet, stress, medication, and a variety of other factors.
When the human colon becomes less active, the body does not eliminate its waste materials as effectively. When the elimination process is not functioning properly, deposits of waste matter build up along the wall of your colon or in the pockets of the colon. These wastes remain in your body for days. People who are constipated can be carrying more of this toxic fecal matter, which is continually poisoning their body and organs.

以下是三种常见的大肠疾病 These are three common colon diseases;

大肠息肉 - 生长在大肠表面的突出物。大多数的息肉是良性的,但少数的息肉会随着时间恶化变成癌症。
Colon polyps – growth on the surface of the colon. Most polyps are not dangerous but some become cancerous over time.

憩室炎 - 废物累积在大肠袋中引起组织红肿和发炎。
Diverticulitis – inflamed diverticula, where pockets form in large intestine. When food gets caught in these pockets, the tissues became inflamed and irritated.

大肠癌 - 根据马来西亚国家癌症登记处,大肠癌是男性和女性的第三常见的癌症,最常见的癌症。根据新加坡癌症协会统计显示类似的排名;大肠癌是男性最常见的癌症,以及女性第二常见的癌症。
Colon cancer – According to National Cancer Registry of Malaysia, colon cancer is the most common cancer in men and third most common cancer in women. Statistics from Singapore Cancer Society shows very similar ranking; colon cancer is the most common cancer in men, and second most common cancer in women.

Risk factors for common colon diseases include:
• 年龄超过50岁 Over age 50
• 超重和缺乏运动 Overweight and lack of exercise
• 高脂肪,低纤维饮食 Eating a high fat, low fiber diet
• 曾患有大肠息肉或有家庭病史者 Have had polyps before or have a family member with polyps
• 大肠癌家族史 Have a family history of colon cancer.

保持大肠健康的秘诀: Tips for healthy colon:
• 保持低脂肪,高纤维饮食 Eat high fiber, low fat diet
• 经常运动 Exercise regularly
• 不吸烟 Do not smoke
• 摄取高抗氧化剂的食物 Eat food rich in antioxidant
• 定时的排便习惯 Practice regular bowel habits

 Forever Products That Helps:

芦荟凝胶汁 Aloe Vera Gel
• 含有可溶性和不溶性纤维有助于促进排便。
• 含有丰富的皂角甙,一种天然的清洁剂,帮助净化肠道。
• 含有安特拉归农中合体,有助于减少大肠发炎;多糖体能增强免疫系统。

• Soluble and insoluble fiber help to facilitate bowel movement.
• Rich in saponins, a natural cleansing agent that are helpful in cleansing digestive tract.
• Antraquinone complex helps in reducing colon inflammation, and acemannans are helpful in improving the immune system.
• Acts as prebiotic (food for good bacteria) that fosters the growth of probiotic (good bacteria) inside the colon.

青草源 Fields of Greens
• 提供人体所需的矿物质,蛋白质,氨基酸,酵素,抗氧化剂和叶绿素。
• 小麦草含有丰富的碱性矿物质,能帮助肠道排出重金属和毒素。
• 和芦荟汁一起服用能帮助减少便秘问题。

• Provides the minerals, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and chlorophyll that the body needs.
• Wheat grass contains many alkaline minerals which help to facilitate digestive system to expel heavy metals and toxins.
• Taken together with Aloe Vera Gel, this is helpful for those with constipation.

益生菌 Forever Active Probiotic
• 含有六种益生菌专利配方,有利于抵抗害菌的生长。
• 专利包裹技术(肠溶剂型)保护益生菌,到达肠道才被释放出来。
• 和芦荟汁一起服用效果更理想,芦荟汁能提供益生菌理想的生长环境。

• Patented formula with 6 strains of probiotics to counter bad bacteria growth.
• Patented encapsulation technology protects the probiotics and releases them only after they reach the intestine.
• Works in tandem with Aloe Vera Gel that provides an ideal environment for probiotics to grow.

石榴活力露 Forever Pomesteen Power
• 完美地融合了高抗氧化果汁,包括石榴,蓝莓,黑莓,山竹果,梨,草莓和葡萄籽提取物。
• 包含多种多酚抗氧化剂包括:鞣花酸,单宁,低聚原花青素(OPC),花青素,原花青素,氧杂蒽酮,儿茶素,白藜芦醇,punicalagins,槲皮素和酶食子酸。
• 抗氧化剂有助于减少自由基的伤害从而保护消化道的细胞。

• Perfect blend of high antioxidant fruit juice that include pomegranate, blueberry, blackberry, mangosteen, pear, raspberry and grape seed extract.
• Contains a multitude of polyphenol antioxidants including ellagic acid, tannins, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC), anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, xanthones, catechins, resveratrol, punicalagins, quercetin and gallic acid.
• The antioxidants help to reduce free radicals damage thus providing protection for the colon / digestive tract cells.

如果你像大多数人一样,过着不注重良好饮食和运动的生活方式。其实,每日补充营养辅助品对您的肠道和整体健康非常重要。(解释:约2 / 3(三分之二)的免疫细胞存在于肠道中,这些免疫细胞被称为肠道淋巴细胞,这些细胞只能在良好的肠道环境中生存)。因此健康的肠道对免疫系统有直接的好处。
If you are like most people, you are likely to have a modern lifestyle which does not emphasize a good diet and exercise program. An appropriate supplementation can be very important to good intestinal and overall health. (Explanation: About 2/3 (two third) of all immune cells reside in the gastrointestinal tract; these are often called Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). These cells can only function effectively in a friendly intestinal environment). Therefore a healthy intestine contributes to better immunity directly).



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