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预防心血管疾病 Cardiovascular diseases


心血管疾病是可怕的,因为它可以致命,造成致残以及需要庞大的医药费。心血管疾病包括心脏病,高血压和中风。在许多国家, 这三种疾病是主要造成死亡和致残的因素。在马来西亚,每10人就有7人患有高血压,糖尿病,肥胖和高胆固醇,这些疾病也是心脏病的危险因子。根据新加坡心脏基金会,每天,大约有15人死于心血管疾病。其实心血管疾病是

Cardiovascular diseases can be frightening as it can be deadly, incapacitating and financially draining. Cardiovascular diseases include heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. These three rank high up for causes of death and incarceration in many countries. 7 out of 10 Malaysians suffer from hypertension, diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol, which are all risk factors for heart disease. According to Singapore Heart Foundation, 15 people die from cardiovascular diseases daily in the country. The good news is in many cases, cardiovascular diseases are preventable. Weight management, healthy eating habits, stress management and regular health checks are helpful in preventing and managing the dreaded diseases.

It is important to understand the basics of the medical conditions:

  • 心脏病:由于冠状动脉硬化或阻塞而导致营养素和氧气无法正常输送到心肌。
  • Heart disease is characterized by blockage or hardening of the arteries that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the heart.
  • 中风 : 由于脑梗塞或脑溢血所造成的。
  • Stroke is caused by either blood clot in the brain or bursting of blood vessels in the brain.
  • 高血压: 血液施加在动脉血管壁的压力偏高。通常由血管变窄小所造成。
  • Hypertension is a condition whereby the pressure applied by the blood flow on the artery walls builds up. This is frequently due to the narrowing of blood vessels.
  • 很多人都误以为只有40岁或50岁以上的人士才会得到这些的疾病。许多国家报告发现患上这些疾病的人有年轻化的趋势。心血管疾病的原因是众所周知的。摄入过多的热量,无论是从碳水化合物,脂肪或高胆固醇,会导致脂肪沉积在动脉壁上,逐渐导致血管钙化,硬化,变得窄小。研究人员曾宣布,心血管疾病,通常需要多年的发展(5-10年)直到症状出现。这提醒我们,预防行动必须在年轻时尽早进行。心血管疾病的危险因素包括遗传因素,缺乏运动,年龄,体重超重,吸烟,不健康的饮食习惯,紧张的生活方式及患有糖尿病。
    It is a myth that only people in their 40s and 50s get such diseases. Many countries have reported younger ages where these diseases are detected. The causes of cardiovascular diseases are well known. Excessive intake of calories, whether coming from carbohydrate, fat or cholesterol, causes fat deposition in the arterial walls, which gradually leads to their calcification, hardening and narrowing. It is now acknowledged by the
    scientific community that cardiovascular diseases typically take many years to develop (5-10 years) before symptoms show up. The most important thing this tells us is that preventive actions must start at as young an age as possible.

    The risk factors for cardiovascular diseases include heredity factor, lack of exercise, age, being overweight, smoking and dietary habits, leading a stressful lifestyle, and being diabetic.

    Healthy range理想值High normal
    High risk高危险值
    Triglyceride三酸甘油酯小于 200200 - 400 大于 400
    Total cholesterol总胆固醇小于 200200 - 239 大于 240
    LDL cholesterol底脂胆固醇小于 130130 - 159 大于 160
    HDL cholesterol高脂胆固醇 男性小于 45
    女性小于 55

    Prevention is better than cure as there is much less suffering and costs involved. Keeping ourselves healthy is one of the most basic assumptions that must be fulfilled before one can enjoy all the good things that life offers us.

    1. 控制热量的摄取。
    2. 减少食用精制碳水化合物(如含糖饮料,糕点)。
    3. 减少或避免饮酒。
    4. 可多选择富含Omega-3脂肪酸的深海鱼类,如:鲑鱼,金枪鱼和沙丁鱼。
    5. 要有「用好油(橄榄油)、少用油」的概念。
    6. 减少饱和脂肪酸(常温下是固态)的摄取,尤其红肉。
    7. 减少胆固醇的摄取, 尤其带壳的海鲜。
    8. 多摄取高纤维的食物。
    9. 多吃蔬菜和水果。
    10. 适量补有助于心血管保健的营养辅助品。

    Diet plays a large role in cardiovascular disease
    prevention. They include:-
    1. Control of calorie intake.
    2. Reducing consumption of refined carbohydrates (e.g. sugared drinks, pastries)
    3. Reducing alcohol intake or abstaining from it.
    4. Eating more deep sea fish which are rich in Omega-3 such as salmon, tuna and sardines.
    5. Consume healthy oil such as olive oil. Reduce intake of unhealthy oil.
    6. Reduce intake of saturated fats (oil which is solid at room temperature). E.g. red meat in general is rich in saturated fats.
    7. Reduce intake of cholesterol, e.g. from shelled seafood.
    8. Increase intake of high fiber foods.
    9. Eat more fruits, vegetables.
    10. Taking nutritional supplements that are beneficial to cardiovascular health.



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    Disclaimer: The content provided on this website is for information purposes only. It is intended to provide educational material and is not designed to provide medical advice. Please consult your health care provider prior to beginning any weight loss program or regarding any medical issues you have relating to symptoms, conditions, diseases, diagnosis, treatments and side effects.