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脱发 Hair Loss
Hair loss is a very common aesthetic issue in our society, as it is a big part of personal appearance. Normally around 50 strands of hair drop each day. Anything beyond that is considered hair loss. Many factors can lead to hair loss, and that include the use of inappropriate hair care products, stress, malnutrition and hormonal issues.

头皮屑 Dandruff
Dandruff is commonly misperceived as occurring due to lack of good personal hygiene. The fact is the humid tropical weather here contributes to the occurrence of dandruff. The main culprit for most dandruff is yeast from the Malassezia family. They stay on the human scalp, surviving on the oil secreted by glands. They usually do not affect any body function, but if the yeast multiplies and thrives, their acidic metabolic waste will accumulate and irritate the scalp. The scalp gets inflamed and skin tissue starts to peel off.

头发的营养 Nutrients for the hair
Protein is the building block of hair shafts and contributes to hair growth. A sufficient intake of protein in the form of a combination of all the needed amino acids is highly recommended. Hair growth involves rapid division of cells, and this requires efficient energy production, which B group vitamins are most helpful for. For hair to be healthy and appear lively and shiny, minerals such as zinc, iodine, magnesium and selenium are essential. He-shou-wu (cured Fo-ti) helps hair to maintain its natural color, and the Chinese believe that it helps keep hair black and strong. Ginkgo leaves, famous for being a “brain tonic”, helps in blood circulation to the scalp and helps in healthy hair growth.

Forever LiteForever Lite Ultra 营养粉蜜蜂花粉 Bee Pollen矿物片 Nature Min以及银杏片Forever Ginkgo Plus
洗发精护发素 Shampoo and Conditioner
Forever芦荟洗发精是个温和的洗发精。它独特的配方采用了100% 稳定芦荟(不是水分)作为第一的主要成分。 i. 芦荟的酵素帮助分解头皮的角质蛋白,而皂角苷产生的泡沫可以有更彻底的清洁。 ii. 芦荟的氨基酸成分帮助强化发丝的结构。 iii. 芦荟的安特拉硅农综合体有抗菌功效,可以帮助抑制头皮真菌的生长。配方中加入的荷荷巴油帮助滋润与强化发丝。 这让Forever芦荟洗发精成为一个高浓度、中性pH、彻底洁净而又滋润的高档洗发精。更好的是它适合所有的发质! Forever芦荟护发素的特别配方减少头发的静电并在头发形成一个柔顺的覆盖面 。这个护发素性质温和且pH中性。在使用Forever芦荟洗发精之后使用芦荟护发素,可以帮助强化发丝并减少发尾分叉。
Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo is a mild cleansing shampoo. Its special formulation incorporates FLP’s 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera (not water) as its first and major ingredient.
i. Aloe’s enzymes help to breakdown keratin cells, and saponins create bubbles for a thorough cleansing.
ii. Aloe’s amino acids help to strengthen the hair structure.
iii. Aloe’s anthraquinone complex has anti-microbial properties that can help to suppress growth of the Malassezia yeast. Jojoba oil is added in the formulation to moisturise and strengthen the hair shaft. These make Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo a premium shampoo that is highly concentrated, pH balanced, deep cleansing and moisturizing. The bonus? It is suitable for all types of hair!
Forever Aloe Jojoba Conditioning Rinse is specially formulated to reduce static charge on the hair and create a smooth and nice coating on the hair surface. This conditioning rinse is pH balanced and mild. Using it after Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo, it helps to strengthen the hair structure and reduce split ends.



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