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女性生殖器官问题 Female Reproductive Issues

子宫内膜异位 Endometriosis

子宫内膜异位指的是非癌症性质的子宫内膜组织出现在身体其他组织或器官。子宫内膜异位估计影响大约10-15% 年龄介于25到45岁的妇女。确实的数目或许会更高,因为这个状况常常被忽略或误诊。子宫内膜异位的风险群包括了家族病例、子宫结构异常、30岁之后才第一次怀孕或完全不曾怀孕。亚洲人也比欧洲人较易患上子宫内膜异位。
Endometriosis is the condition where non-cancerous pieces of endometrial tissue (the layer of tissue that lines the uterus)are found in other parts of the body where they should not be appearing.
Endometriosis is estimated to affect 10 to 15% of menstruating woman in the age range of 25 to 45 years old. The actual occurrence may be higher because this problem may be misdiagnosed. The risk factors include family history, having structural abnormality of the uterus, having the first baby after 30 years old or never having a baby. Asians are more prone to having endometriosis than Caucasians.

原因 Causes
a) 月经期的子宫内膜并没有完全的从阴道排出,反之,内膜倒流进输卵管与卵巢,随后进入腹腔内。
b) 子宫内膜组织没有正常剥落,通过血液或淋巴系统传输到其他的器官。
The causes of endometriosis are unclear although here are some possibilities:
a) Pieces of the uterus lining that shed off during the menstruation process did not flow out through the vagina. Instead, they flowed backwards towards the Fallopian tube and ovaries, and then subsequently some flowed into the abdominal cavity.
b) The cells of the uterus wall lining is not shed off properly but transported through blood or lymphatic network to other locations.

症状 Symptoms:
The endometrial cells would go to other locations, normally in the ovaries or ligament supporting the uterus, and increase in size. In some cases, the misdistributed endometrial cells are found at small and large intestines, bladder, urinary tracts and vagina, and very occasionally at some distant organs. These misdistributed cells respond to the hormones estrogen and progesterone, and may bleed when the person menstruates.
The symptoms are severe pain and bleeding from the corresponding locations, most often as abdominal cramp and heavy menstruation flow. Occasionally, bleeding from the digestive tract or urinary tract can result, depending on where the misdistributed cells reside. Scar tissues that form subsequently may affect the working of the organs.

子宫肌瘤是在女生生殖器官里常见的良性肿瘤,主要由肌肉与纤维组织自形成。这个状况影响大约20% 50 岁以下的女性。
Fibroids are a commonly seen growth in the reproductive system. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours composed of muscle and fibrous tissue. It affects around 20% of women under the 50 years old.

原因 Cause:
Although the actual reasons are not certain, high estrogen (female hormone)levels seem to stimulate fibroid growth. Fibroid can appear microscopic and slowly increase in size. The growth locations are mainly at the uterus wall, either on the surface or underneath. When fibroids are found during checkup, there are usually several of them, as they are seldom found in isolation.

症状 Symptoms
Symptoms largely depend on the size and location of the fibroids. Fibroids that grow on the wall of the uterus usually cause pain, pressure and possibly heaviness in the pelvic area during menstrual periods. When the fibroids become large, depending on the location, they may press on the bladder or intestine. This may lead to frequent urge for urination, lower abdominal discomfort or constipation. Fibroids which grow under the lining of the uterus may cause bleeding. The symptoms are heavy menstrual flow that lasts longer than usual, accompanied by pain.

来自Forever产品的帮助 Products that can help :

1.芦荟小红莓 Aloe Berry Nectar
• 小红莓萃取可以帮助维持良好的荷尔蒙系统,进而帮助减少生殖器官被荷尔蒙影响而出现不正常的现象。
• 芦荟含有的安特拉归农综合体可以帮助减少内生殖器官出血所引起的组织发炎。
• Cranberry extract helps to maintain good hormonal system, thus reducing the risk of having hormone-related issues with reproductive organs.
• Aloe Vera contains Anthraquinone Complex that can help to reduce inflammation caused by bleeding.

2.Arctic Sea Omega 3 鱼油 Arctic Sea Omega 3 Fish Oil
•. Omega 3家族的EPA 与 DHA 帮助身体减少由出血引发的发炎现象。
• EPA and DHA from the Omega 3 family of fatty acid can help to reduce inflammation caused by bleeding.

3.Forever 花粉 Forever Bee Pollen
• 蜜蜂花粉是优良的矿物质来源,而其中的锌对于帮助维持荷尔蒙平衡很有益处。
• 蜜蜂花粉含有丰富的维他命B群,而这可以帮助减轻压力所带来的副作用。(压力相信是其中一个会导致女性体内发生肿瘤的原因)
• Source of trace minerals from the Bee Pollen such as zinc is helpful in regulating hormonal balance.
• Being rich in Vitamin B groups,Pollen is helpful in reducing the effects of stress. (Stress is believed to be a factor promoting abnormal growth in women).



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